Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What Have I Been Eating?

It doesn't seem to work. This Food Diary-Blog. But I'm not giving up. The past 5 days have been so hectic, and sleepless, there wasn't any time to work on the blog, specially jotting down what I ate. I tried to take pictures though.

This was breakfast last Thursday (May 9).  Tri Colori Camowti.  Papaya.  Black Coffee.  A little Olive Oil Spread.  Not that little, I confess.

Lunch - Greens with Sauce of Tatay's Slow-Cooked Chicken in Tomato Sauce (Tasted like Gourmet Afritada)

Snack - White Cheddar Popcorn (Daughter is to blame again, haha!), Pineapple Cucumber Juice

Dinner - Pasta with Vegetable Sauce

I resisted the Ube Piyaya but I'm sorry, I gave in to some Dark Chocolate. It was really blech-bitter so I had to take small bits of regular chocolate with it. The sugar kept me awake to finish a birthday project of my teenage daughter for her friend.

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