More Under Construction

I parent and am grateful I'm parented by my Father. I homeschool, and learn a lot.  I write, sometimes with the right musical notes and unpredictable rhythm.  I dance but I've also embraced the joy of dancing in prayer, of being still and staying put. For a stay-at-home mom, I am on the road a lot of times to voice for ads, and meet with clients, so I try to crochet in traffic (when I'm not driving). I am driven, yet have accepted that the only kitchen work I am good at is breastmilk production. I like producing endorphins, working out, and working on being vegan. I vigorously delight in being creative for the Creator and being pregnant (pause) with ideas. The Giver has blessed me with 5 gifts–my husband Tot and 4 tots. I am constantly amazed by God's grace and His agape for me. Specially when I grieve my losses, and when I forget that being myself is much gain.

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