Monday, May 5, 2014

Coming Back to You

Seven months.

That is so long!  And it is frustrating that there's so much to write about, but there's just no time.  I would rather sleep. Or crochet.

My journals are empty, this blog idle. My clutter ever building. But remembering that I may not have time to write, yet have lots to write about is "better" than having so much time and nothing to gab about.

My last entry was about losing our yaya.  And she has not returned.  She has married last December, and we are very happy for her.  I lost my other yaya (who has been with us for 3 years) last February. Breach of trust. I don't think we can leave our babies with her anymore so we had to let her go.

And things have been busier.

It is so hard to replace househelp when you have young children.  We have stopped scouting around.

A lot of adjustments took place in our household: the big kids getting more chores. Still I am thankful. My eldest (son) has been very dependable in the kitchen (just like his Tatay), and my eldest daughter so reliable with babysitting. The babies also known as the Kalat Brigade are learning to pack away with a time limit, haha!

I am thankful that God provided a new stay-in helper who is the sister of my former yaya, and though inexperienced as a cook/yaya, is proving to be hardworking and teachable. She has two kids, left to the care of her mother at the province. We didn't really want to hire mothers of young children as they need to go home once a child was sick. Just like a few weeks ago. This new help of mine had to be away for 2 weeks to be with her youngest who got hospitalized for measles.  And the busyness is non-stop.

I am still grateful...

...For our part-time laundry woman, Ate F!  She was our helper decades ago when I was still single, and has been able to stay for a total of 5 days and 4 nights a week, as her other employer did not need her anymore. Truly God's orchestration!  On the days she is at home, life is a lot easier. She's such a precious gem, I can trust her about everything at home, including babysitting. She is in her menopausal stage, has more aches and pains, and isn't as strong, but she is resilient, and we have complete confidence in her. I pray she will stay healthy and remain with us.

On the other 3 days that Ate F cannot be with us, Ate A, former yaya of my big kids, comes during the day.  She is now married with 4 kids and can only report for work when her husband has no overtime on top of his night-shift duty.  Ate A like Ate F, can do all-around chores, including some sewing.  She was able to finish sewing school on her last year with us, so now, finally, we have new curtains and some of my pending sewing projects have been finished. I have taught her how to crochet and she takes home some work to earn. I simply tell her what to do, and how to do it and voila! Things have been mended, sewn, even crocheted with a smile.  Plus showbiz news gets to our home always fresh, because of her.

Things haven't gone back to normal. I still don't have a routine. But I am nevertheless, grateful.  Maybe I will have more time to blog, while the big kids are on summer break. Maybe I'll have a bit more time to do work, a more regular time for work-out and squeeze some time to go out.  Need a break!

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