Walk and Talk

Here's a wrap-up of the talk A SMother's Love shared with the women gathered last July 22, 2023 at the GCF Proverbs 31.10 event "You're a Tea-rrific Mom!".

 What We Learned: 

  • There are different expectations from society, family and church of us, being mothers. We have expectations, pressures coming from within ourselves. The expectation we would like to meet is that of God’s. He desires us to enjoy life and not be controlled by the passion to perform and please people.

  • Our value in God’s sight as a woman is in who we are and not what we do. Our worth is not measured by our ability to bear a child, or raise a child. Our worth is equal to the sacrifice of Jesus, His Son, and that is immeasurable.

  • Our purpose in this life is to glorify God. That means in everything we do, say, desire, let us love Him with our all: our heart, our mind, our soul, our strength. In carrying out our roles, such as that of being a mother, loving God must translate into modeling and encouraging our child/ren. 

  • We also learned about our capacity and limitations as mothers:

    • We are like the Word of God, but we are not the Word of God.

    • We have the most intense concern about our kids, we are passionate about them; but we, in our frailties can forget. As we age, we will tend to forget. But God doesn’t. He will always remember and think of us. He will always think of our child. When we realize this, we are more surrendering, and letting go of controlling our child to change him.

Knowing God’s desire for us, our value as a child of God, our purpose as mothers, our capacity and limitations, we also realize that
we have this desire that only our Creator can meet. A vacuum only our God can fill.


  • Quench our thirst for Him by pursuing Him, in gratitude for how He pursues us.

  • Refresh our relationships particularly with our husbands and children.

  • When we are full, we pour-over, and simply overflow with grace to our child. This is the same grace, unfiltered, which  draws our child nearer to the Lord, to  love him with their all.


Here's the ad Miro and I voiced for the Lady's Choice Ad "Letter" on "Overparenting". 

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