Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Another No-other Nanay Day (Part 1/2)

Couldn't sleep. Mother-child pairs were going to lead the singing in church the whole Mother's Day and my eldest and I were one of the tandems. It has been quite a while since the last time I stood in front of an audience in church. That must've been Mother's Day 2010 when I shared my motherhood story. Though what we were doing as songleaders wasn't a performance, I had the jitters. Last time I sang on stage was at our high school reunion last December. However, for Mother's Day, there was going to be a lot of prompting for the congregation to sing, and I was assigned to be at the helm. I don't remember having done this ever at all. I kept waking up every hour anticipating the 5am alarm. I kept checking the clock or my phone and by 3am I decided I might as well get up if I wake up at 4am to spare me another hour of restless sleep. 

So I got up at around 4am, and right beside me, on top of my computer was a letter and a crocheted heart ring. I was in tears as I read the last paragraph. Wasn't this what I was asking the Lord to help me in? 
I decided to wear the heart ring the whole day. It was a reminder of how much I was loved and appreciated. 

With the ring, came this little note.
What a way to jumpstart that special day! I have been lacking sleep for the past days, and physically I wasn't at my peak. But the messages boosted me up with energy and enthusiasm. 

I must constantly remind myself the powerful truth that a young lady, and 3 other young hearts (and minds) are watching me, ever so closely, perhaps even noticing the little steps I make towards being the mother God wants me to be, and learning a little or emulating a lot. 

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