Thursday, May 23, 2013

Another No-other Nanay Day (Part 2/2)

[Continued from "Another No-other Nanay Day" (Part 1/2)]

Very much motivated, I tried to shake off all the shaking of my flesh as sleep has evaded me. I got up from bed and remembered I had to finish the earrings I was making so I could have something red in my outfit. Black, white and red was the color motif for the Praise and Worship Team. I had to go to the girls' room to locate my crochet bag which I remember my 13yo borrowed before I dozed off (now I onow why). As I opened the door, lo and behold, down on the floor by the hallway, in the dark, I could see two big white bags and this beautiful work of art attached to them. Aha! My husband was able to squeeze in some shopping for my outfit for today and my eldest took the time to create this.

I did not get to wear the beautiful black top and much-coveted white pants which was on my mental "When I have extra money, I will buy myself a..." Wish List, that morning. But I wore it for the evening service.

My eldest and I caught the 7am call time, and with God's enabling, finished the first of the three sessions we were going to do that day. Here, we were enjoying a special Mother's Day breakfast date. I mix-matched the left and right parts of the two images. The first one is what I call the happy mix.
This next, was what my son called scary. Husband, my eldest daughter, and the two babies followed to Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, and Ina (mom-in-law) and some friends came too.
After the second service, we went home for lunch and tried to rest. But I thought that if I was going to wear the black blouse my hubby gave me for the vesper service, I should have something red around my neck. So I worked on a necklace that matched my earrings. I should be taking a nap but I thought I'd be able to finish this one in a jiffy. My artist-hubby and budding-artist daughter collaborated with me in designing this. In exchange for a nap, here's what I call Nanay's Motherhood Necklace. It had a big circle, and four smaller ones.

As we waited for the evening service to start, my 13yo showed me her nails. Now, who wouldn't feel special with this nail art in honor of her Nanay?
It was a full day of meaningful worship time and I got a lot of loving from the kids. 

These two babies (our second set) may not know it, but their smiles were packages of joy I open up every moment I need to be reminded that mothering is also about receiving much, sometimes even outweighing the much that you give.
Dinner at my in-laws followed after the evening service and even if I wanted to plop myself down like a rag doll in bed, and not move for 10 straight hours, I couldn't miss the Movie Date my hubby had been wanting to have. Finally, we were going to see Ironman 3! 

So that's how it concluded. I fell asleep (as I expected) in some parts of the film, though I really thought it was wonderful (a Nanay review soon!), but I sat through it and while munching on some Mother's Day junk food, I hugged the Lord in thanksgiving for the perfect-for-me guy He richly blessed me with. I am the mother I am, only because he is the father that he is. We make a mighty good team. By God's grace alone, of course. And I will always be gratefully elated that he cooperated much with my deep longing to be the Nanay of his children. 

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