Thursday, May 9, 2013

Catching the Sun

It's 6:55am. I would rather stay in bed.  Or fix this blog. I need to change the text font. Husband says it's hard to read. But I must go out and meet the sun. I planned to run yesterday afternoon. But there was a heavy downpour.

I would rather have a happy breakfast with the babies and husband (the two teens are still asleep). Husband always prepares something good for all of us, and likes having a relaxed time of eating and chatting and catching up. But I remembered I spent so much time syncing my phone and downloading music for a new playlist for running. That got me excited. 

Run I must. One last month and the rainy season trickles in, sometimes, a lot of times, storms the country. So catch the sun I must. And catch a sunny breakfast.

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