Thursday, May 9, 2013

What Did I Just Eat (Yesterday)?

When you give birth in your 40s, it is much harder to go back to your pre-pregnant weight.  Wait, I meant that for women who love Carbs and Sweets like me. It is taking more time (much longer time) for me to fit back into my pre-big belly jeans compared to 2 years ago, after giving birth to my 3rd child. I can blame the food (the not-as-strict vegan diet), the age, the metabolism, the great husband-cook, the stress, the circumstances, the crisis of cancer in the family, the hormones, the neighbor's cat, my too-small-like-it-shrank pre-big belly jeans, everything. It's a mix of factors–including lack of discipline, grief, your children's busy schedule, lactation, and rainy weather, or the hot sun. It can also be because of being hard on yourself. And procrastination. So here's my attempt to go back to keeping a Food Diary.  Having it online (and public) might just give that needed push, or somehow spoil my appetite, and inflate my shame. I tried the My NetDiary app and it was helpful for a few days. Let's see if this works.

Colorful Breakfast
Red Watermelon, Orange Kamote (Sweet Potato), and Purple Kamote for a colorful breakfast.  And uhm, black coffee. The Purple stuff was actually what my 3yo thought she could still finish. It went through the grinder to make it more interesting. 

Snack- Slices of Guava

Lunch - Greens & Eggplant from Tot's Chicken Parmigiana (Was so yummy, I was halfway done when I remembered I should've taken a pic!)

Snack - White Cheese Popcorn my 13yo was munching (Yeah, it's just flavoring but still cheese. Irresistible!); Watermelon

Late Dinner - Steamed Eggplant & Okra with the Parmigiana mushroom sauce (Can't help it, some free-range chicken bits wanted to sabit along.)

Fluids- Pure calamansi juice (my first drink in the morning, 6-8 calamansi fruits), 8 glasses of water, 1 mug of black coffee, 1 glass of coconut juice with Live Green

I did not give in to: Piyaya, pasalubong of Ate Fely (our laundry woman who came home fr Iloilo. Yay, she's back!) and the 85% Cacao Dark Chocolate bar Tot brought home from the Aracamas. I had to turn away and cover my head with a pillow!

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