Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Time for a Reboot

I am a satisfied Mac customer. I like how it is not prone to viruses, and that I don't need to reboot the thing. I was actually surprised when dear hubby advised me to do it to make my computer run better.

When my old (reliable) white Macbook got slower and slower, I had to reboot a lot of times. The difference it made may not be significant, maybe even psychological.  But the thought that I gave it a fresh start boosted my confidence in the machine.

I am nearing my 50s, and I have weaned my 3yo for 8 days now. I have just received most of my Annual Physical Exam results and it's high time for a body reboot.  I hope that blogging about it will push me to be consistent, and never give up.  I hold on to God's grace.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Lullaby for My Slumber Party

Sang for this TV ad. My first time to sing like a mom. I usually just did singing voices of teens or kids.

It was a simple, beautiful melody but I had to do many takes. I had to stop feeling the song and getting emotional. I also had to get rid of my vibrato. The mom's voice had to be straight-toned. Not professional sounding, but in tune.

The ad reminded me of a book I read to my 4 kids. My voice would always crack while I read it. 


My mom never sang me a lullaby but she said she read a lot to me when I was small. I don't have memories of that, but just the thought that she took the time to read me a story is heart-warming. 

There are things my parents did not do for me, but I'm not complaining. I think I turned out fine. By God's grace. But just because my folks did not parent me in a certain way doesn't mean I would do the same to my own kids. 

I have sung them lullabies since they were inside me, and I sang my Papa to sleep while he was in the hospital. I was actually surprised when he requested it!

Someday, I hope to sing to Mama too. My restless, tireless, always-on-the-go mom. Just so she knows she can sleep sweet and accomplish much, nevertheless. 

Neither Invisible Nor Invincible

I couldn't resist him. 

I kissed and kissed and hugged and smothered Yakob with love. I thought I was invisible to his virus. 

Friday morning, as I drove home with the kids, I started coughing. By nap time, I could only whisper as I read books to Miro. And to think I was going to run in the rain last Thursday night! I am not invincible. I must repeatedly convince myself. 

I was early in bed Friday night. Feeling cold, feverish and weak. I have never felt this sick for a long time now. I would have the occasional cold and cough and a day of rest was enough for me. 

Maybe Saturday the whole day in bed will do. I drank lots of fluids, and the babies were herded off from my corral by the Lovely Sgt. Nik so I could sleep, undisturbed. But every whimper and laughter and shout of glee and scream of disgust would wake me up. 

Our weekday helper had left and our weekend helper couldn't make it too. Her husband was sick. Our stay-in helper had an eye infection and asked to be sent home to rest. 

My ever-reliable Hubby performed his magic tricks: early morning market, cooking, bathing the babies and Kuya and Ate were his strong back-up team. By afternoon, he decided to get my temp (39C!) and commanded that I took medicine. He wanted me to be alright for Mother's Day the next day. 

I think I have, through 20 years of motherhood, overcome the struggle of being able to relax on Mother's Day. But I have an issue about getting sick. Specially when it's Mother's Day and there's no house help. 

Oh, God help me get out of this sick bed, and this sadness. 

Night time came and though I was still ill, I felt so encouraged by how Team Wafooms did it, without me, serving me even like a Queen. A sick ngongo barking Queen.

I wake up to a sunny Mother's Day. As usual my alarm was the sound from the babies' room. 

I'm feeling much better. I know the flu requires days of recovery but that doesn't mean I can't party. In my bed. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Coming Back to You

Seven months.

That is so long!  And it is frustrating that there's so much to write about, but there's just no time.  I would rather sleep. Or crochet.

My journals are empty, this blog idle. My clutter ever building. But remembering that I may not have time to write, yet have lots to write about is "better" than having so much time and nothing to gab about.

My last entry was about losing our yaya.  And she has not returned.  She has married last December, and we are very happy for her.  I lost my other yaya (who has been with us for 3 years) last February. Breach of trust. I don't think we can leave our babies with her anymore so we had to let her go.

And things have been busier.

It is so hard to replace househelp when you have young children.  We have stopped scouting around.

A lot of adjustments took place in our household: the big kids getting more chores. Still I am thankful. My eldest (son) has been very dependable in the kitchen (just like his Tatay), and my eldest daughter so reliable with babysitting. The babies also known as the Kalat Brigade are learning to pack away with a time limit, haha!

I am thankful that God provided a new stay-in helper who is the sister of my former yaya, and though inexperienced as a cook/yaya, is proving to be hardworking and teachable. She has two kids, left to the care of her mother at the province. We didn't really want to hire mothers of young children as they need to go home once a child was sick. Just like a few weeks ago. This new help of mine had to be away for 2 weeks to be with her youngest who got hospitalized for measles.  And the busyness is non-stop.

I am still grateful...

...For our part-time laundry woman, Ate F!  She was our helper decades ago when I was still single, and has been able to stay for a total of 5 days and 4 nights a week, as her other employer did not need her anymore. Truly God's orchestration!  On the days she is at home, life is a lot easier. She's such a precious gem, I can trust her about everything at home, including babysitting. She is in her menopausal stage, has more aches and pains, and isn't as strong, but she is resilient, and we have complete confidence in her. I pray she will stay healthy and remain with us.

On the other 3 days that Ate F cannot be with us, Ate A, former yaya of my big kids, comes during the day.  She is now married with 4 kids and can only report for work when her husband has no overtime on top of his night-shift duty.  Ate A like Ate F, can do all-around chores, including some sewing.  She was able to finish sewing school on her last year with us, so now, finally, we have new curtains and some of my pending sewing projects have been finished. I have taught her how to crochet and she takes home some work to earn. I simply tell her what to do, and how to do it and voila! Things have been mended, sewn, even crocheted with a smile.  Plus showbiz news gets to our home always fresh, because of her.

Things haven't gone back to normal. I still don't have a routine. But I am nevertheless, grateful.  Maybe I will have more time to blog, while the big kids are on summer break. Maybe I'll have a bit more time to do work, a more regular time for work-out and squeeze some time to go out.  Need a break!