Monday, July 24, 2023

Do Things with Your Child


Here's the ad Miro and I voiced for the Lady's Choice Ad "Letter" on "Overparenting". I showed this to the women who attended "You're a TEArrific Mom" event last July 22, 2023. Also called "Helicopter Parenting", this happens when a parent constantly hovers over the child, and will do everything for her child. It can be an inner pressure–an expectation coming from within us. Because we love our child, we want that he won't commit the same mistakes we did, and that she be protected from all harm. Sometimes, we just want the job done, and well done. Watch this:

This was recorded 2 years ago, inside our cabinet/DIY Home Studio Booth and I clearly remember how I was in tears just saying my lines, and listening to Miro deliver hers, with real tears. She's such a good actress!

God used the message of this ad to also speak to my fearful heart, in the middle of the COVID pandemic. I did not know what was going to happen tomorrow, or how many more variants of the virus would invade our safe space. But I turned to the Almighty One, and continue to trust in Him to be our Protector, Shield, and Refuge. He is my child's Shelter, even when I can't be there for her. This truth helps me to let go, and not do everything for my kid, but do things with my child so she would learn how to be independent.

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