Monday, June 3, 2013

REPOST: Bedrest is Hard Work

(A Blog Article for Website Written 042811)

I am not used to this. This was my greatest fear—to be confined in bed, and during pregnancy! 

Two years ago, during my last pregnancy with Miro, my 3rd child, most days were spent at the gym, carpooling & doing the usual errands.  The wooziness was short and I kept meeting up with friends, just being my regular self with a rounder tummy.

This time, on my 8th week, I bled.  I am 45, and I forget.  I pushed myself too far.  Thus, my doctor had to implement Martial Law a.k.a. bedrest. A similar episode happened during my 2nd pregnancy, 12 years ago, and I had to do the same, but only for 2 weeks.  However, I did not have a breastfeeding 1-year-old, and wasn’t homeschooling a tween then.  I was much younger, much different now. 

So what do you do when parenting duties, and preparations to move out to a new home await you?  You sulk, grieve, take advantage of the sleep license, and deal with the guilt.  I was deeply sorry that I couldn’t spend much time with Miro, drive my older kids around, help hubby with income-making projects, and get fat and flabby.

I tried to drown out the sadness by sleeping, reviewing pregnancy materials/sites, reducing my books-to-read pile, watching the news (was up-to-date, even with American Idol), seeing movies I missed, updating Twitter and Facebook, reading with Miro, using the bed as a homeschooling desk, and conversing with God.

Nomnom (our 4th baby’s nickname) was a surprise, just like Miro. We knew in our hearts he/she was designed by God’s perfect wisdom and timing. In my journal, I wrote: “I appreciate You, O God, because Nomnom means rest, recovery and stamina.  He is a gift­–reminding me to be faithful, pure and steadfast... I realize this blessing is a season of rest.  Of being still before You.”

I didn’t get to rehash on my French, de-clutter my pack rat-infested room, nor journal a lot as planned, but I was able to focus on my unique role–to be a responsible steward of this life inside me.  I had a renewed appreciation for my ulirang husband, kids and househelp.  I texted friends to kamusta, and interceded for them. God’s peace kept me still.

I am on my 20th week.  Martial Law was lifted 4 weeks ago! If ultrasound cues me to go back to exercise, I will, but slowly.  The 2 months of bedrest trained my body to take it easy.  I have wonderfully discovered that recovery strengthens, and rest is the gift of active revival and healing.

Oh yes, and because of bedrest, I also found out that I could type fast while on a side-lying-down position, na nakadi-kwatro pa! 

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