Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Time for a Reboot

I am a satisfied Mac customer. I like how it is not prone to viruses, and that I don't need to reboot the thing. I was actually surprised when dear hubby advised me to do it to make my computer run better.

When my old (reliable) white Macbook got slower and slower, I had to reboot a lot of times. The difference it made may not be significant, maybe even psychological.  But the thought that I gave it a fresh start boosted my confidence in the machine.

I am nearing my 50s, and I have weaned my 3yo for 8 days now. I have just received most of my Annual Physical Exam results and it's high time for a body reboot.  I hope that blogging about it will push me to be consistent, and never give up.  I hold on to God's grace.